«Francis of Buenos Aires» is a documentary aims to see the Francesco Pope through his life, his words, the familiar testimony and primarily, the first year management of his papacy, his measures and his acts.

This film has achieved the certification of cultural relevance and has been produced with the financial support of the Directorate General for Cinema  Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism.

Genre: Documentary

Dur: 72 min

Production Companies: Metropolis (Argentina), 39 FILMS (Italy), Barter (Italy).

Directors: Miguel Rodriguez Arias & Fulvio Iannucci.

Executive Producers :Luciano Sovena, Alfredo Federico, Dario Lanis, Valentina Gardani.

Year: 2014.



-Mar del Plata Film Festival (Argentina),

-Popolo e religioni (Italia),

-Havana film festival (Cuba),

-Italian Contemporary Film Festival (Toronto)